If you've not 'endangered' her spirituality, and to the contrary are willing to even support her in her belief, she shouldn't be separated from you. Exercise your God give husbandly authority (!) and quote some wt's and scriptures at her telling her to be in subjection and try to win you over without a word. If that's what you really want. This cult sucks donkey balls.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
JoinedPosts by disposable hero of hypocrisy
Advice Needed...Again
by wallievase incurrent update- the wife and i are separated.
i dont go to the meetings or in service but im not df, or da.
she is not budging.. problem- my wife has made it clear that she doesnt want me back unless i do all the witness stuff, i have even offered to attend meetings but not participate in commenting or go in service and this is not good enough.
You have to be strong
by troubled mind instanding up for yourself,and deciding to follow your own path takes strength .
you have to be strong especially if you were raised in a way of life that dictated so much of who you were .
while being raised as a jehovah's witness i was taught to follow ,unquestionally follow .i was told to put others before myself ,serve,don't stand out ,don't be independent .
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Thanks troubled mind, your words came at just the right time for me. Being still in, the indoctrination can still have a hold on me at times. This helped.. Thanks man!
How to capitalise on recent unwise appointment with my wife.
by disposable hero of hypocrisy ina brother was appointed recently in the cong, he's got a dodgy history, doesn't really have the respect of many in the cong.
it's surprising to me, but i don't really care, good for him.
my wife, on the other hand, is angry!
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Pete, snare, and what happened, GREAT suggestions, thank you for those..
"Material Objects"
by J-DUBBED ini've heard before about the j-dubs saying they are not to have too many things..............it's just "material objects".
not to have tattoos on their skin also.. what about a full blown born in j-dub getting breast implants??
is that allowed??
disposable hero of hypocrisy
I wouldn't have them myself. Only cos I don't think my wife would lend me her bras.
How to capitalise on recent unwise appointment with my wife.
by disposable hero of hypocrisy ina brother was appointed recently in the cong, he's got a dodgy history, doesn't really have the respect of many in the cong.
it's surprising to me, but i don't really care, good for him.
my wife, on the other hand, is angry!
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Hey all!
A conversation was had, all very civil and even conspiratorial, and not even vaguely forced. She's mad as hades about it, even to the point of thinking of moving congs! Thank you all for your suggestions, I'm gradually learning more and more to shut up and just listen. There's no way this will be forgotten, I even managed to get your example out, slidin fast!
hate this waiting game..
How to capitalise on recent unwise appointment with my wife.
by disposable hero of hypocrisy ina brother was appointed recently in the cong, he's got a dodgy history, doesn't really have the respect of many in the cong.
it's surprising to me, but i don't really care, good for him.
my wife, on the other hand, is angry!
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Thanks searcher, but if I said that, she'd presume I was being sarcastic as she knows full well I've got serious doubts..
And slidin', I figured that would be the way to go, I know it's a long game, but I'm getting impatient! I've already dropped in the change of arrangement, but I'm always trying to think of conversations we can have where I don't come across as a negative 'subverter of faith'.....
How to capitalise on recent unwise appointment with my wife.
by disposable hero of hypocrisy ina brother was appointed recently in the cong, he's got a dodgy history, doesn't really have the respect of many in the cong.
it's surprising to me, but i don't really care, good for him.
my wife, on the other hand, is angry!
disposable hero of hypocrisy
A brother was appointed recently in the cong, he's got a dodgy history, doesn't really have the respect of many in the cong. It's surprising to me, but I don't really care, good for him. My wife, on the other hand, is ANGRY! she's lost respect for the body for appointing him. I want to capitalise on this, and help her think about the 'spirit appointed' process, but if I bring it up directly I'll just blurt out "see, no spirit appointment here, it's a crock!", and she'll shut down..
Me bad with words. Me need help. What sort of questions do you think I could ask, any help appreciated!
AAWA activists burst into a Kingdom Hall in Kent!
by raymond frantz inaawa activists burst into a kingdom hall in kent.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Cedars speaks about this in the new podcast. He has a very good handle on it..
Headquarters representatives visit to UK 2015
by Saltheart Foamfollower ina letter is to be read out at service meetings this week in the uk saying that sam herd & john larson are visiting next april.
on sat 25th there will be a 3 hour programme streamed to all congs.
the postscript (not to be read out) instructs congs that haven't already done so, to order the necessary equipment.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Thanks for the heads up, this is extremely handy as now I can plan something for us to do that Saturday so we don't have to sit through that lot! Nice one!
New Monthly Report Suggestion!
by The Searcher injust an idea for the weekly g.b.
conclave to consider - unless it's too christian for them to think about!.
paul wrote this to the "israel of god" - galatians 6:2 " go on carrying the burdens of one another, and in this way you will fulfill the law of the christ.".
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Nicely put. I'm sure the gb minions will report this to the upper echelons and it will be acted on immediately.
If only.